Our history
From the very beginning we were aware of the difficult living conditions of children in these two homes. There was a lack of basic sanitary facilities and insufficient space and financial means to cover basic needs. The government subsidizes each home with about 2,500 euros per year. This amount falls very short of the funds needed to provide for the 50 children living in each home, not to mention investments in buildings, facilities, and education.
We decided to help the children living in these homes: orphans, half-orphans, foundlings or children who suffered severe neglect.

Core values
The principles of participation and guidance to self-help as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child form important foundations for the work in our homes. Within the scope of their possibilities and taking into account their age, the young people should be able to actively participate in decisions for their own development.
We see ourselves as a team, together with the teachers and those responsible for training on site. Our promise to be there for the children in the homes when help is needed is reflected in our motto: Help for self-help

Our goal is to support the weakest in the chain of the poor and underprivileged - THE CHILDREN. Therefore, we want to help the girls and boys in our homes to get a solid base in life by strengthening and developing their characters.
One of the main focuses is their education. We have created an individual profile for each child showing their strengths, weaknesses, talents, and interests. Additionally, the children should be taught English as well as computer skills. This is done with the helpof motivated teachers who use activities and games to encourage curiosity and create learning experiences. When they leave the home, they should be able to start their own families and support themselves through work. This is the only way to break the cycle of poverty!

Srilankapoint uses 100% of the donations received to improve the situation in the local children's homes. For the founders of Srilankapoint, the support of the homes in Sri Lanka is a matter close to their hearts, which is why they decided to personally cover all administrative costs.
For you as a benefactor this means: Every cent you donate will directly support the children in Sri Lanka.

Our visit to the children's homes in Sri Lanka